Ecclestone, Button tip Hamilton for title

"He’s come from such a long way back"


13 September 2016 - 12:10
Ecclestone, Button tip Hamilton for (…)

Two prominent F1 figures would put their money on Lewis Hamilton winning a third consecutive drivers’ title in 2017.

His Mercedes teammate Nico Rosberg has hit back at Hamilton’s recent resurgence with two wins on the trot, and the points gap is down to a measly 2 points.

But F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone told the sport’s official website: "Of course he (Hamilton) will win. No doubt about that."

And Jenson Button, a former teammate of the triple world champion and the most experienced active F1 driver, agrees.

"He’s come from such a long way back, I think everyone forgets how far he was behind Rosberg and he closed that gap over three races," the McLaren-Honda driver told the Sun newspaper’s correspondent Ben Hunt.

"His qualifying is impressive, and I think in a race you know he’s in a very strong position," Button added.

"Mentally he’s a lot stronger than he used to be, he’s got a really good chance and he probably is going to win a fourth world title."


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