Di Resta better than champion Vettel - Franchitti

"He is one of the most talented drivers I’ve ever seen"


4 December 2010 - 08:40
Di Resta better than champion Vettel (…)

Paul di Resta is even better than F1’s new world champion Sebastian Vettel.

That is the claim of triple Indycar title winner Dario Franchitti, who is Scot di Resta’s cousin.

Di Resta, 24, is on the cusp of his formula one debut, having secured the 2010 DTM title and forged a strong link with Force India by spending last season as reserve and Friday driver.

"He definitely has the skills," 37-year-old Franchitti told Germany’s Sport Bild.

"He is one of the most talented drivers I’ve ever seen," he added. "He beat Vettel in the Formula 3 Euro series (in 2006).

"Sebastian is a good driver, but Paul is better," said Franchitti.

Di Resta told Motorsport-Magazin.com: "Sebastian and I have had some ding-dong encounters, and I hope and feel sure that we can continue this in the formula one arena."


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