Christmas at the home of Santander for Fernando Alonso

"I am happy to see that so many presents have been brought here"

By Franck Drui

18 December 2010 - 17:52
Christmas at the home of Santander (…)

Fernando Alonso had one more official function to attend before taking a well deserved end of year break. The Scuderia Ferrari driver was in Madrid today, taking part in the Gala Solidaria Santander 2010, an event organised as part of a social involvement campaign, promoted by one of the Scuderia’s main partners, which took place in the conference room of its head office in Boadilla del Monte, near Madrid.

Over a thousand people attended the party, of which around six hundred were children, who were the key to the event, as they had each brought along a gift that the Valora and Manos Tiendidas Foundations will hand over to other less fortunate children. “I am happy to see that so many presents have been brought here,” said Fernando. “From our side, I really hope to deliver them a present by winning next year’s World Championship.”

On stage alongside the Ferrari man, who also showed off his skill at card tricks, was the Santander President, Emilio Botin and both of them took part in good spirit in an unusual press conference where the questions came, not from the media, but from very young journalists in the making, who proved they certainly had an incisive sense of irony when for example, one of them asked both Botin and Alonso if they drank Red Bull to keep in shape. The question met with an immediate and good spirited and obviously negative response.

In the morning, the Spanish driver visited the Nino Jesus di Madrid hospital where, thanks to the efforts of the Fundación Abracadabra, some of the young patients were able to enjoy some time with their hero, playing electronic games and also taking part in some magic tricks.

For Fernando, this is now the start of a two week holiday which he will spend with his family and close friends, while recharging his batteries for the 2011 season. His next appearance will be on 10 January, when Madonna di Campiglio will be the venue for the twenty first edition of Wrooom, the event that for so many years now has kicked off the racing season for Scuderia Ferrari.


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