Alonso attitude triggered Raikkonen signing - Andretti

"He always had a proper behaviour, but..."


9 December 2013 - 12:35
Alonso attitude triggered Raikkonen (…)

Fernando Alonso’s frustration in 2013 triggered Ferrari’s push for Kimi Raikkonen.

That is the view of the Italian team’s former driver Mario Andretti.

"In my opinion, Alonso became frustrated this season, and what he said offended Ferrari," the 1978 world champion told the Spanish sports newspaper Marca.

Andretti is referring to the arguably disparaging comments made by the Spanish driver, after which Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo revealed he "tweaked" Alonso’s ear.

"Otherwise," Andretti added, "they never would have hired someone who could challenge him and even beat him."

After four years alongside the often underperforming Felipe Massa, Alonso’s new teammate for 2014 is the former team champion Kimi Raikkonen.

"You have to know how to behave," Andretti, still referring to Alonso’s attitude of 2013, continued.

"He always had a proper behaviour, but that 1 per cent ... we saw what was Montezemolo’s reaction.

"It will be interesting to see what happens next," he added, "because Kimi is not arriving to help; he is going to try to win.

"It will be a great battle that will be fun to watch."


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