Alguersuari wants a clean weekend in Singapore

and forget about what happened in Monza

By Franck Drui

21 September 2010 - 13:04
Alguersuari wants a clean weekend in (…)

I was on the simulator last Tuesday, in preparation for the Singapore track.

I know the track from last year, but it is always useful to refresh your memory, before tackling it again. Let’s see what we can achieve there, especially as in Monza it was clear that we have made some progress with our car, even if it was always going to be a difficult race for us in dry conditions. The Italian track is unique because of its high speed nature, so I will be interested to see if the updates we introduced there will bring us an advantage on a street circuit, where you run with a lot more downforce. It will be interesting to evaluate these updates on different types of circuit, but my initial feeling is that Singapore and the following race at Suzuka should suit us better.

I really hope we can finish the race in the top ten and pick up some points, but it is very tough this year, when you consider that there are four teams usually finishing in the points. This means that unless one of their cars has a problem the first eight places are already accounted for. Last year in Singapore was my first experience of racing at night and that aspect of the weekend I found easy to deal with, as was the case with racing under artificial lighting, which did not seem so different to driving in the daytime, even if when you watch on TV, everything looks so bright, it’s like watching a computer game. So I know what to expect and, as at every race this year, my aim is to build on my first year’s experience in F1 and do better.

Before I go to Singapore, I will be going through the usual routine of training, but I also need to shake off the bad mood that I’ve been in since Monza, as I was very upset at picking up penalties in two consecutive races, which is definitely not a common occurrence. I hope things settle down and I have a “clean” weekend in Singapore and I am doing my best to forget about what happened. I’m also doing a photoshoot, which sounds like fun, as I am doing the shoot in a boxing ring. I like doing this sort of crazy stuff and I’ll share the results with you once I’ve done it. I am being joined by another Red Bull athlete who is a downhill freestyle cyclist. After that, I will be concentrating fully on the next race and I’m travelling to Singapore on Monday, so that I will be fully acclimatised to the hot and humid conditions.

From Jaime Alguersuari’s blog on


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