Webber coping better than Vettel in 2012 - engineer

"Mark seems to be suffering less"


14 April 2012 - 08:25
Webber coping better than Vettel in (…)

One of Sebastian Vettel’s engineers has admitted the reigning double world champion is currently playing second fiddle to Mark Webber.

Cyril Dumont, who works with German Vettel through Red Bull’s works engine supplier Renault, admitted to RMC Sport that the balance of power from one side of the team’s garage to the other has changed.

"Mark tends to be able to get around the problems and adapt," he said.

"But for Sebastian, each ingredient needs to be at its optimum for him to have full confidence and get the performance out.

"The car has worked well for him in the previous two years, while it is true that at the first two grands prix (of 2012) he has been less comfortable.

"Mark seems to be suffering less," added Dumont.


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