Signs grow that Raikkonen to keep rallying

He s close to agreeing a new deal with Citroen


16 July 2010 - 09:55
Signs grow that Raikkonen to keep (…)

The signs are growing that Kimi Raikkonen will keep rallying next year rather than return to formula one.

The 2007 world champion has been linked with both Renault and Mercedes for 2011, but reports on Thursday said Raikkonen, 30, is close to agreeing a new deal with the Red Bull-sponsored world rally team Citroen.

At the same time, Raikkonen’s current co-driver Kaj Lindstrom has told Turun Sanomat newspaper that the Finn has all the necessary talents and "only lacks experience".

"The hard work is now beginning to pay off," he added.


Formula 1 news

