Race - Japanese GP report: Toro Rosso Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

5 October 2014 - 12:06
Race - Japanese GP report: Toro (…)

Jean-Eric Vergne

“I was very happy about my race until I was informed about Jules’ accident. Getting some news about him is all that matters at the moment. As for myself, starting from the back of the grid and ending up in the points at the end is a great achievement. Today, in such racing conditions, it was really difficult not to make mistakes, while driving as fast as possible, trying to be quick, but I believe that myself and the team did an excellent job."

Daniil Kvyat

“The only important thing this evening is that I hope Bianchi will be ok. It was a tricky race today with the rain. The general performance of the car was good, but unfortunately our strategy didn’t quite work out and with the safety car and red flag towards the end of the race, my chances for a points finish were gone.”

Franz Tost (Team Principal)

"Our drivers’ performance in the Grand Prix seems secondary today, as we all await news of Bianchi’s condition. We scored another 2 points, which is quite positive for the team. Jean-Eric Vergne started from the back of the grid because of our 6th engine change, which meant for him a ten grid positions penalty. However, he showed a very good performance, driving a fantastic race, catching up and finishing in the ninth position. Without the red flag I reckon he would have finished in an even better position but nevertheless to score points is really a great result for him and the team. Daniil Kvyat was also always within the points but unfortunately we called him in just before the safety car was deployed, so he lost some positions. Even though he managed to overtake Raikkonen, this was not enough to score the points that he deserved. Today Daniil drove his first very wet race and he showed a great performance and capability to control the car in very difficult racing conditions. This makes me think that we really have been a good school for him, on his way to Infiniti Red Bull Racing next year.”

Ricardo Penteado (Renault Sport F1 track support leader)

“Today we pushed everything to the limits, particularly on the fuel side. We changed the ICE on JEV’s car and had to take a hit and start from the back of the grid so to score points is a brilliant drive yet again. Daniil also did well and had some good fights throughout. Of course we are all waiting for news on Jules.”


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