Qualifying - Spanish GP report: Red Bull Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

9 May 2015 - 16:45
Qualifying - Spanish GP report: Red (…)


“I did my best and so I can’t be happy with P8. Maybe we have not got the most out of our upgrades just yet, but I’m sure the team can turn things around. At least this weekend, we have had a clean free practice and qualifying and, step by step we will get there. Nevertheless, tomorrow is the day that matters, the thing we are all fighting for and there is still everything to play for, so I can definitely aim to score some points starting from where I am on the grid.”


“I think tenth place must be my worst quali since I started with the team, so it wasn’t the best day. I was frustrated mainly in sector 3. In Q1 and Q2 I felt it was my strongest sector, but then in the end we lost maybe half a second or more through there. And I don’t really have an explanation for why that happened. I am disappointed with the outcome, as I had hoped to be at least P7 or P8. From the long run I did in FP3 this morning, the car performed consistently and the balance was okay, so we should be okay on tyres tomorrow. We are not really quick enough down the straights, so we need a good start and then we will try and do something with strategy.”


“A tricky qualifying for the team and we can’t help but feel we have underperformed, lining up eight and tenth on the grid after a difficult build up from Friday and FP3. I think Dany got the most car of the car today, and Daniel struggled a little on the last run. We have plenty of work to do in the race tomorrow.”


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