Qualifying - Hungarian GP report: Sauber Ferrari

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

26 July 2014 - 16:26
Qualifying - Hungarian GP report: (…)

In qualifying for the Hungarian Grand Prix in Budapest the Sauber F1 Team achieved a positive result. Adrian Sutil finished in 12th, his best result in this season so far, while Esteban Gutiérrez clinched 14th place. This could open up the opportunity to finish in the points tomorrow.

Esteban Gutiérrez

“Overall it was a positive day for us. I think the whole team did a very good job during the weekend. We explored the set-up quite a lot on Friday and we managed to put everything together for today. We need to keep going in this direction, as we found some tenths and we have come closer to the teams in front of us. Adrian did a very good lap at the end. On my last flying lap I got the yellow flags, so I had to interrupt my run and came into the pits immediately. Tomorrow could be interesting due to the weather conditions. It can be a tricky race.”

Adrian Sutil

“It was an exciting qualifying. Twelfth is my best result so far this season. We were quite competitive today and so driving is much more fun. Although it was difficult to adapt my driving, as we had another set-up in the morning. It was not easy to put a perfect lap together. Finally, it was important to keep cool. My engineer and myself worked perfectly together. This result is very important considering our current situation. I am happy about the great team effort today.”

Monisha Kaltenborn, Team Principal

“A positive result in qualifying, which is particularly important on this track, where overtaking is difficult. The whole team did a solid job which puts us in a good position for the race, and that might open up the opportunity for points tomorrow.”

Giampaolo Dall’Ara, Head of Track Engineering

“P12 and P 14 is a good achievement, although we know that we still have to improve. On this track particularly it’s beneficial to have good grid positions, because it can open up some interesting scenarios in terms of strategy. On top of that, there is the unstable weather which can add to this. In general the day was fine. We felt this morning we could match some of our competitors. Everybody in the team did a good job, so we are ready for an interesting race tomorrow.“


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