Q&A with Vitaly Petrov

"I want Russian flag on top of podium"

By Franck Drui

11 January 2011 - 21:20
Q&A with Vitaly Petrov

While visiting Enstone today for a preliminary seat-fit and an update on the R31, Vitaly took time to look through the questions sent in via Twitter and Facebook over the last couple of days.

When you were a child, why did you decide to become a racing driver?

In fact this was never really something I thought was possible because motor sport was not very popular in Russia. But I certainly knew that I enjoyed driving. When I was a child my dad would take me to a closed area and let me drive his car, and I always enjoyed that!

How does it feel to be the first Russian driver in F1 with the hopes of a nation on your shoulders?

I feel proud to be part of his country and I just want to put the Russian flag at the top of the podium.

What were your favourite three circuits in 2010 and why?

I don’t like to choose my favourites. They are all different and all fun to drive so I can’t pick out my favourites.

Which driver in the paddock do you get on with best?

I get on with all the drivers and try to have a little chat with everyone at each race. But I always talk a lot with Kamui Kobayashi.

What are you looking forward to most about the 2011 season?

I’m excited about everything, especially the use of KERS and the adjustable rear wing, which is new for everyone. At the moment our car looks good and next year will be easier for me because I know the team better and I know all the tracks. I can’t wait for things to begin!

What sort of weather do you prefer when going racing? Rain or sunshine?

It depends how I feel on the day, but honestly I don’t mind. I like conditions to be different so sometimes wet and sometimes dry.

Which race last year do you feel was your best and why?

I think it was Budapest because I managed do get the maximum from the car and the weekend. Finishing fifth was my best result of the whole year.

What was the most important thing you learned during 2010?

That you always need to stay concentrated and make as few mistakes as possible.


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