Protest threat hangs over Melbourne qualifying

"The FIA has its opinion and so do we"


17 March 2012 - 07:02
Protest threat hangs over Melbourne (…)

Rumours are swirling in the Melbourne paddock that Red Bull and Lotus are preparing to lodge a post-qualifying protest.

"I’ve heard something like that," confirmed Mercedes’ motor sport director Norbert Haug to German Sky television.

They are reportedly unhappy with the new ’F-duct’ solutions seen on the W03 car.

British television Sky confirmed that team boss Eric Boullier has confirmed that Lotus will protest the outcome of Saturday afternoon’s qualifying result.

"The FIA has its opinion and so do we," Haug added.

"I remember the noise made about the double diffuser; a noise, incidentally, that came from the same place," said the German.


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