Lewis Hamilton still believes the championship is unpredictable

Hamilton enjoyed a “relaxing” afternoon during the Italian Grand Prix


10 September 2012 - 14:00
Lewis Hamilton still believes the (…)

Lewis Hamilton is still adamant that the 2012 F1 Championship remains wide open and unpredictable, as the paddock prepares for the first flyaway race since the start of the season. After ending the European season in fine form, McLaren are hopeful they can continue their competitiveness once the paddock reconvenes at the Singapore Grand Prix.

After Jenson Button’s superlative victory at the Belgian Grand Prix, McLaren wasted no time in dominating the proceedings once again at last weekend’s Italian Grand Prix. Although Jenson Button suffered from a mechanical issue on his car and was forced to retire, both McLarens managed to lock-out the front-row of the grid and Lewis Hamilton was able to secure a first-class victory ahead of the charging Sergio Perez and the Ferrari of Championship leader Fernando Alonso.

With both Red Bulls failing to finish, and therefore failing to score any points, the reigning Constructors’ Champions have had their lead diminished somewhat in the Constructors’ Standings. Both Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber have dropped to 4th and 5th respectively in the Drivers’ Championship, allowing Lewis Hamilton and Kimi Raikkonen to move up to 2nd and 3rd respectively. Lewis Hamilton firmly believes the Championship remains as unpredictable as ever, with the likes of Raikkonen still posing a threat even though the Finn has yet to win a race this season.

“Now it is getting really interesting.” Explained Lewis Hamilton, “But still the Championship is very unpredictable, very wide open. When many said that Silverstone would be the place to get an idea of who are the top candidates… wrong. We don’t know even now. I am so happy that we have a great car and that we are very fast - probably not the fastest, but I would say we are as fast as the fastest.”

To some, the Italian Grand Prix might have been viewed as one of the more duller races of the year, with Lewis Hamilton way out in front of his nearest opposition. However, to Lewis Hamilton the race was a drivers dream, in which the Briton enjoyed a relaxing afternoon asserting his authority out in front lap after lap. The win was made all the more sweeter by the fact that the Briton had yet to win around the Autodromo Nazionale di Monza, unquestionably one of the most historic and iconic venues still visited by F1.

“This is a race that I’ve always wanted to win.” Continued Lewis Hamilton, “I have to give big thanks for the team - they did an incredible job. The car has been fantastic all weekend. To be honest, it is nice to have a relaxed Grand Prix with no troubles so I am very grateful for that opportunity. It was more or less managing the gap to the guys behind me.”

Lewis Hamilton had been subject to much speculation prior to start of the weekend, with many rumors linking the Briton to a drive with Mercedes for 2013. This move would surely see the 2008 World Champion replace Michael Schumacher, who is also still undecided with regards to his future within the sport. However, Lewis Hamilton remained coy on the subject of his future, stating his only current aim is Championship glory this season with McLaren.

“I don’t focus on next year - I fully concentrate on 2012.” Assured Lewis Hamilton, “I am taking it one race at a time and I want to take this team to the top and try to help them - as they are trying to help me - win both Championships. This is an incredible team and I have a fantastic relationship with them.”

Lewis Hamilton has raced with McLaren in F1 ever since his debut back in 2007, when he was locked in a highly entertaining inter-team battle with Fernando Alonso. Some still believe he could be on his way out after 2012, whereas some see McLaren as the only viable option for the Briton. Regardless of where the Briton ends up in 2013, it’s clear that the 2012 Drivers’ Championship is his sole aim at the present time.

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