Hamilton vows to focus more on F1 in 2012

"Last year has absolutely no bearing on me"


12 March 2012 - 07:45
Hamilton vows to focus more on F1 in (…)

Lewis Hamilton has promised to stop partying and focus more on performing, the 2008 world champion has told mainstream British newspapers.

The McLaren driver had a tumultuous 2011 season on and off the track, but the 27-year-old has vowed to bounce back now.

"Last year quite a lot of times I went out and enjoyed myself thinking that these things don’t affect you but in actual fact they do, they have a knock-on effect," he said.

It resulted in him being beaten by his teammate Jenson Button, even though F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone tips Hamilton to bounce back in 2012 because "he’s faster (than Button)".

"He (Button) didn’t win the world championship — if he did, it would have been even worse," said Hamilton.

"Now I’m looking forwards. This year is what matters. Last year has absolutely no bearing on me, I don’t care about last year. It’s what’s ahead of me which will define me," he added.


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