Golf tournament going ahead in Bahrain

"We are looking forward to welcoming all the participants"


11 April 2012 - 15:04
Golf tournament going ahead in Bahrain

A major golf tournament is set to go ahead in Bahrain.

The BBC is reporting on Wednesday that "a number" of formula one teams now fully expect next weekend’s Bahrain grand prix to be called off - with the final decision to be made this weekend in China - due to the security risk.

If that happens - despite Bahrain’s contract to 2016 - it could be the end of the grand prix forever, with rules stating that a cancellation for two years running will result in exclusion from the calendar.

It is interesting, therefore, that organisers of the inaugural Bahrain Invitational - a Pro-Celeb-Am golf competition - are reporting that the two-day event is definitely going ahead this weekend.

"We are looking forward to welcoming all the participants and safety around the event is assured," said a spokesman.

Sir Jackie Stewart, a triple world champion in F1, backed the continuation of sports in Bahrain, admitting that if the grand prix is cancelled again "they may never get it back".

"If this race is cancelled then I think it is a very backward position to have in sport," he told the Herald Scotland.

"Sport is a positive force, it brings people together."


Formula 1 news

