Ferrari figures arrive for team orders hearing

The disciplinary meeting is currently taking place


8 September 2010 - 16:22
Ferrari figures arrive for team (…)

Boss Stefano Domenicali, spokesman Luca Colajanni and a lawyer arrived at Paris’ Place de la Concorde on Wednesday for what has become known as the ’team orders hearing’.

The disciplinary meeting of the World Motor Sport Council is currently taking place in the rainy French capital at the FIA’s headquarters.

It was reported a decision would be made on Wednesday evening, but it is now rumoured that the outcome may not be known publicly until Thursday - when the F1 world will be congregated at Monza ahead of the Italian grand prix.

Former Renault boss Flavio Briatore thinks the Italian team should escape further penalty, having already been fined $100,000 immediately after Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso controversially swapped positions at Hockenheim in July.

"If there is common sense and consistency, Ferrari should not be punished any more by the FIA," he told La Repubblica newspaper.

Briatore, banned by the FIA last year for the crashgate scandal, likened the situation to a "witch hunt" and insisted it is a "political issue".

"In the past with similar cases, nothing at all was done (in reaction)," Briatore said.


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