Costly day for Senna at Monza

The Brazilian’s end-of-day bill was a whopping EUR 12,000


10 September 2011 - 09:20
Costly day for Senna at Monza

Bruno Senna had an expensive day at Monza on Friday.

The Renault driver, at the start of only his second grand prix of the season, first received a EUR 3,200 fine for breaking the pitlane speed limit by almost 16kph.

Half an hour later, Senna was speedy once again, this time clocked at 81.7 in the 60kph zone.

But because it was his second infraction, the FIA doubled the penalty and so the Brazilian’s end-of-day bill was a whopping EUR 12,000.

Also fined for speeding on Friday was Mercedes’ Michael Schumacher, who must pay EUR 400.

And Williams must pay the governing body a EUR 5,000 penalty after Rubens Barrichello used a set of tyres not allocated to him on Friday.


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