Button extremely disappointed after Kobayashi incident

Button suffered an early retirement at the hands of Kobayashi


14 October 2012 - 13:01
Button extremely disappointed after (…)

Jenson Button has expressed extreme disappointment after his collision with the Sauber of Kamui Kobayashi during the opening lap, which ultimately saw both drivers retire from the race. Although Jenson Button enjoyed a relatively good start, Kobayashi completely missed his braking point for turn three and collided with the McLaren driver.

The resulting incident saw Jenson Button coast to a halt on the circuit, with heavy damage to his front-right wheel due to Kobayashi’s severe lack of judgement. The Japanese driver also picked up damage, with a heavy left-rear puncture which later resulted in the 26-year-old’s fifth retirement of the season. Jenson Button was understandably disappointed with Kobayashi upon returning to the paddock, believing the drive-thru penalty imposed upon the Sauber driver was not harsh enough.

“I got a really good start and was able to get past both Mercedes.” Explained Jenson Button, “Into the first corner, there was a slight incident in front of me [when Sergio Perez braked late and tapped the car in front], so I was forced to run wide and push Rosberg off the circuit. Nico and I then had a good drag-race down the back straight on lap one. I braked really late for Turn Three, then suddenly Kamui’s car was climbing all over my car’s right-hand side. It’s extremely disappointing.”

Kamui Kobayashi was extremely apologetic for causing the incident, which comes only one week after he clinched his maiden Formula 1 podium in front of his many adoring home fans at the Japanese Grand Prix. With Kobayashi currently striving to impress the Hinwil-based outfit with the hope of retaining his seat within the team for next season, this incident couldn’t have come at a worse time, with the likes of Nico Hulkenberg and Esteban Gutierrez hinted at being possible drivers for Sauber next season.

“This is a race to forget.” Explained a disheartened Kamui Kobayashi, “Initially I had a good start but then we were four cars side by side approaching turn three. Someone hit my rear tyre and then it was impossible to control the car, but I had to brake at some point. I didn’t manage to avoid the accident, and I feel very sorry for ruining someone else’s race, and certainly this was not my intention. It was just a very difficult moment and I had nowhere to go but I think it was my mistake.”

Jenson Button has admitted he now has no chance of winning the Drivers’ Championship this season, with only four race remaining. However, the Briton is aiming to enjoy these final four races, picking up valuable points for the Constructors’ Championship at every available opportunity. Kamui Kobayashi’s future with Sauber continues to look bleaker, however, as several drivers continue to be linked with the Swiss outfit.

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