Boullier confirms F1 talks with Group Lotus

"Today, there are discussions, but we also have these with other sponsors and other companies"


7 November 2010 - 09:33
Boullier confirms F1 talks with (…)

Renault team boss Eric Boullier has confirmed talks with the Proton owned sports car maker Group Lotus.

Speculation at Interlagos this weekend has suggested Group Lotus, having terminated its naming license deal with the F1 team currently known as Lotus Racing, is keen to buy into Enstone based Renault.

It is understood that rumour may be wide of the mark, with Lotus keener instead to simply tie up with Renault as a title sponsor.

But rumours persist that Renault SA could step further away from F1 and remain on the grid only as an engine supplier to the Enstone based team as well as Red Bull and Lotus Racing.

When asked about the Group Lotus rumours, Boullier told Auto Hebdo in Brazil: "Today, there are discussions, but we also have these with other sponsors and other companies."

Renault SA chief Carlos Ghosn is expected at Interlagos on Sunday but no formal announcements are scheduled.

Boullier commented further about the apparently complicated situation.

"At the moment there are a lot of distorted rumours, but it is true there have been discussions about a possible collaboration," said the Frenchman.


Formula 1 news

