Barrichello committed to Williams for 2011

"It would be a waste not to be here"


12 July 2010 - 12:13
Barrichello committed to Williams (…)

Rubens Barrichello has revealed he is committed to staying with the Williams team in 2011.

The veteran Brazilian, on the verge of notching up 300 career grands prix, joined the British team this year and has proved the regular pacesetter alongside highly-rated newcomer Nico Hulkenberg.

Grove based Williams is also delighted with the 38-year-old’s technical contribution to the team, but it is believed only a single-year contract exists.

"I have not signed any contract (for 2011) but I am not in any talks with other teams," Barrichello is quoted as saying by the website of Motorsport Aktuell.

He added: "Leaving Williams would be exactly the wrong thing, because they are already working on the programme for next year. It would be a waste not to be here.

"I want to be back on the podium with this team this year, and next year I want to be winning races."


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