Binotto chides Mercedes for reverse grid veto

"Nine out of ten teams, including the FIA, were in favour"


8 June 2020 - 10:21
Binotto chides Mercedes for reverse (…)

Mattia Binotto has revealed that Ferrari was in favour of Liberty Media’s ’reverse grid’ idea for the initial spectator-less races in 2020.

It was reported that both Mercedes and its ally Racing Point had vetoed the plan, arguing it was too gimmicky for Formula 1.

Ferrari team boss Binotto is not happy about Mercedes’ move.

"Nine out of ten teams, including the FIA, were in favour of a race with the starting grid reversed," he said.

"It only took one team to block the proposal. That’s a shame for the fans and the sport and a missed opportunity, because we had to make every compromise during the corona crisis."


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