Vettel buys custom motorbike to celebrate title

A custom Hardcore motorcycle built by Marcus Walz


27 March 2011 - 07:30
Vettel buys custom motorbike to (…)

Sebastian Vettel’s secret title-indulgence has been revealed.

Earlier, we reported that the German had bought himself an elaborate gift to celebrate his 2010 triumph.

"All I can say is; I have it ordered but it hasn’t arrived yet. So you’ll have to work a bit harder," said the reigning world champion.

Germany’s Bild newspaper has discovered that - on friend Kimi Raikkonen’s advice - Vettel has ordered a EUR 100,000 custom Hardcore motorcycle built by Marcus Walz.

The basis of the bike is the 120 horse power Avalanche model, and it will be ready in September.


Formula 1 news

