’Useless’ to criticise ’interesting’ tyres - Domenicali

"If the tyres have a different degradation, it is because it is a different product"


18 March 2011 - 09:14
'Useless' to criticise (…)

Stefano Domenicali has backed away from the criticism that some formula one figures have been making about this year’s Pirelli tyres.

The biggest talking point about the 2011 product has been extreme degradation in comparison with last year’s Bridgestones, with three and four-stop races expected to be customary.

But Ferrari boss Domenicali, who said the 2011 Pirelli is "interesting", told Sky Italia: "If the tyres have a different degradation, it is because it is a different product, so you must react.

"Who has known how to react better at first will have a competitive advantage," added the Italian. "This is a logic that applies to everyone from the drivers to engineers."

Domenicali revealed that he has told his team that it is "useless" to complain or create excuses, and that the only response is "to work, to develop, to improve".


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