Schumacher’s Pirelli spat ’exaggerated’ - Vettel

"It is in our nature to want more"


4 May 2012 - 10:23
Schumacher's Pirelli spat (…)

Sebastian Vettel has hit back at what he thinks was an "exaggerated" reaction to Michael Schumacher after the recent Bahrain grand prix.

Schumacher, Vettel’s countryman and friend, had heavily criticised the sport’s official supplier Pirelli, despite the Italian marque’s 2012 tyres being widely credited for the exciting grands prix seen so far this year.

"It’s been a bit exaggerated," world champion Vettel, referring to the reaction to Schumacher’s comments, is quoted by Sport Bild.

"Ultimately, we all have the same tyres, but of course as a driver you always want more grip, whether from the tyres or from the car.

"It is in our nature to want more — more especially than the others," he smiled.

"When I talk about this with Michael, it’s not so dramatic. He has been around for a long time and has seen a lot, also when it comes to tyres.

"I don’t think he is so easily shocked," insisted Vettel.

Energy drink Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz made a rare visit to the sport’s action on Thursday, catching the final day of Mugello testing.


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