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Qualifying - Canadian GP report: Sauber Ferrari

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By Franck Drui

11 June 2016 - 22:56
Qualifying - Canadian GP report: (…)

The Sauber F1 Team finished qualifying ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix on the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Montreal in P19 (Marcus Ericsson) and P20 (Felipe Nasr). Ericsson will have a three place grid penalty for ‘causing a collision’ during the Monaco Grand Prix.

Marcus Ericsson

“It was a tough qualifying. My first run was ok. For the second run we went out a bit later than the other teams. When I was out on track, the rain started to fall a bit more towards the end of the lap, so it was more and more slippery. It was not the easiest session. Regarding tomorrow, I think the unstable weather conditions could mix things up during the race. As we start from the back of the field, that could give us some chances.”

Felipe Nasr

“It was a tricky qualifying. In general I struggled a lot with the grip, even compared to the FP3 morning session. I never managed to get everything together in qualifying. I think I went out a bit later than the others. In the end I was not able to improve on the second run on fresh tyres due to the light rain. For the race, I believe the weather will play a huge role. We have to remain positive for tomorrow and see what opportunities might come up for us.”


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