Nick and Vitaly’s guide to Malaysia

"Sometimes it’s more like swimming than driving"

By Franck Drui

5 April 2011 - 07:34
Nick and Vitaly's guide to Malaysia

Best memory of Malaysia?

Nick: I’ve some good memories including my podium for Williams in 2005 and my second place finish a couple of years ago in the very wet race. Also, I set my first fastest lap in a race there in 2008 – that was the year I had fun with a double overtaking move on Alonso and Coulthard – it’s worth watching on YouTube!

Vitaly: I’ve been there a few times and had some fun races. In the GP2 series I won there in 2008 and 2009.

Do you like the track?

Nick: It can be special because of the weather. Sometimes it’s more like swimming than driving with the monsoons. It has a nice flow with some quick corners, as well as some overtaking opportunities.

Vitaly: I think it’s one of the more difficult tracks because of the mix of corners – both high and low speed. But it’s somewhere I’ve always enjoyed racing and you always have to be ready for the weather.

How do you relax in Malaysia?

Nick: If I have time I like to take a walk around Kuala Lumpur city centre. It’s a cool place with a lot to see, including the twin towers where there is also a great shopping centre.

Vitaly: This year I decided it was best to arrive early and do some training to get used to the humidity. I like to be outside playing sports because that helps your body adapt.


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