Mercedes has ’good relationship’ with Vettel - Zetsche

"Privately he drives a SLS"


24 July 2011 - 11:20
Mercedes has 'good relationship

Michael Schumacher remains a top driver but Mercedes also has an eye on Sebastian Vettel.

The German marque’s top brass Dieter Zetsche is at the Nurburgring this weekend where he was asked by Bild am Sonntag newspaper if Red Bull’s Vettel would be a better bet for Mercedes’ works team.

"If the cars are very competitive, it is the driver who determines the success," Zetsche is quoted as saying.

"Michael Schumacher has shown that he still has considerable qualities. As for Sebastian Vettel we have a good relationship. Privately he drives a SLS."

Alongside Schumacher in 2011 is the highly competitive Nico Rosberg, and team boss Ross Brawn on Saturday confirmed the pair both have a contract for next year.

"We need to do our homework with the cars," continued Zetsche. "We are certainly quite competitive already, but not as much as we had hoped for. We’re working on it."


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