India names F1 track after Buddha

The Buddh International Circuit is born


9 April 2011 - 08:58

Organisers of the inaugural 2011 Indian grand prix have renamed the New Delhi circuit.

Currently under construction in the Uttar Pradesh state and scheduled to host its first race in October, the track was previously called the Jaypee International Race Circuit.

Jaypee is the name of the race’s promoter, headed by chief executive Sameer Gaur, who is heading an Indian delegation at the Malaysian grand prix this weekend.

"We want to have an in-depth look at Malaysia’s successful race," he is quoted by the Bernama news agency.

Gaur also took the opportunity of his Sepang visit to announce that the track has been officially renamed Buddh International Circuit.

"It is from the word Buddha to mean peace and calmness," he explained.


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