F1 considers three Friday sessions for 2012

"The proposal is for a half-hour session before Friday’s first official practice"


23 July 2011 - 11:35
F1 considers three Friday sessions (…)

F1 is considering installing a third Friday practice session for the 2012 weekend format.

The proposal is the result of recent talks about slightly relaxing the current total ban on in-season testing, and particularly its impact on the development of young drivers.

"We should not go back to what we had, but in between there is a compromise," said Renault team boss Eric Boullier, who is also deputy chairman of the F1 teams association FOTA.

"We have proposed to have a short extra session on Friday in which young drivers are used," the Frenchman revealed.

The report said the proposal is for a half-hour session before Friday’s first official practice.

"It should be a separate test session for which a separate set of tyres is available," added Boullier.


Formula 1 news

