Engine makers to get extra January test - report

"The testing situation is ridiculous"


5 April 2013 - 09:21
Engine makers to get extra January (…)

F1’s engine manufacturers have reportedly won the battle for an extra pre-season test for 2014.

Apparently against the resistance of some teams, the engine suppliers had argued that - given the workload and complexity of preparing for the new V6 rules - next year’s pre-season test period should be extended.

Writing in Speed Week, correspondent Rob La Salle said the manufacturers have indeed won the argument for a fourth test, possibly in the Middle East.

La Salle quoted Renault’s Rob White as saying a proposal is on the table for a January test, in addition to the usual three tests in February.

White said an earlier test, perhaps at the tail end of this year, is not feasible.

"To be at a test track for example in October, the engines would have to be built in September.

"There is a lead time of three months, so you would have to decide upon the specification in May. We would prefer to have that time on the test benches instead.

"With some components, we are still in the design phase. A test in October would be just too early."

Ferrari, a staunch critic of F1’s now severely limited track testing, will be happy with the news of an extra pre-season test.

"The testing situation is ridiculous," team boss Stefano Domenicali told the latest edition of the British magazine F1 Racing.

"With the other teams, we’ll try to convince them that we need to find another balance — and I am positive we can find a solution."


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