British film writer working on Lauda script

Focussing on the 1976 season


29 April 2011 - 10:08
British film writer working on Lauda (…)

A British film writer is working on a script to immortalise the most famous season in F1 great Niki Lauda’s successful career.

The Oscar-nominated Peter Morgan, best known for writing The Queen and Frost/Nixon, is focusing on the 1976 season, when Lauda almost burned to death in a fiery crash but returned six weeks later to battle James Hunt for the title.

The typically-blunt Lauda joked to Vienna radio Oe3 that he is giving some thought to which actor might depict him.

"Anyone who is 25 or 26 with his right ear burnt off and dreams to be made up to look like me can start making plans," he said.

DPA news agency said Morgan, who is being actively supported by 62-year-old Lauda, is seeking a producer and director for the project.

Lauda won 25 grands prix and three world championships and is also famous for his airline businesses.

He is still a regular in the F1 paddock, appearing as a pundit for German television.


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