The 2020 Rome E-Prix is postponed due to the Coronavirus

It will be held at a later date

By Emmanuel Touzot

6 March 2020 - 19:25
The 2020 Rome E-Prix is postponed (…)

As a consequence of the ongoing health emergency in Italy and according to the provisions set out in the ministerial decree concerning measures to counteract and contain the spread of COVID-19 in the country - which includes sporting events with large crowds and spectators in close proximity - it will no longer be possible to stage the Rome E-Prix on April 4, 2020.

Formula E, in agreement with the relevant authorities in Rome, EUR S.p.A and together with the FIA and Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI), will work closely with championship partners and stakeholders in order to assess and review alternative options to postpone the Rome E-Prix to a later date once restrictions have been lifted.

All ticket holders will be contacted through the appropriate channels in the coming days.

Formula E


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