Tiago Monteiro continues 2015 WTCC preparations

"We continued both mechanical and aerodynamic testing"

By Franck Drui

2 February 2015 - 16:47
Tiago Monteiro continues 2015 WTCC (…)

Tiago Monteiro has spent the last few days at the Valencia circuit in Spain where he carried out another test session with the new Honda Civic. The test was to help prepare the car for the upcoming 2015 WTCC season, which will get underway in March.

Once again the test proved to be quite productive with intense work being carried out by both the drivers and the team’s technical staff: "We worked hard and we feel that there have been considerable developments in regard to the engine as we continued both mechanical and aerodynamic testing on the car. We believe that step by step we are evolving as we test long runs and developments. We will have to make some important decisions soon as we can only effectively make three changes on the car this year and it has to be weighted and evaluated, but I believe in the team’s work," concluded the Portuguese driver.

Before the beginning of the 2015 Championship, Tiago Monteiro will have another two more testing sessions, one in Barcelona and the other at Paul Ricard.



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