Rene Binder completes Trident 2015 line up

Austrian driver joins Italian squad

By Franck Drui

11 February 2015 - 15:30
Rene Binder completes Trident 2015 (…)

Trident have confirmed that the 23-year-old Austrian, Rene Binder will complete his third GP2 season, with them at the wheel of the #12 car.

Binder has previously worked with the Italian squad during the postseason GP2 test held last November in Abu Dhabi and will team up with Raffaele Marciello in 2015.

Maurizio Salvadori commented: "I’m very satisfied with the team we have been able to put together for this season. Our goal will be to stay at the front of the field and both our drivers have what it takes to help achieve great results. We met Rene at the end of the 2014 season and we appreciated the efficiency of his driving style, which is clean and aggressive. The laptimes set were extremely interesting."

Rene Binder added: “I’m delighted to be part of the Trident GP2 team together with Raffaele Marciello, who is one of the world’s quickest young drivers. I merged with the team straight away and that was clearly demonstrated by the laptimes logged during the year-end test at Yas Marina. We have been off to a flying start together, but we are also aware of the hard challenges we will be facing. Anyway, I’m honoured for having been chosen by the team and I will try to reward their trust as hard as I can."



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