Night stages for Rally Islas Canarias

Valleseco and Tejeda


18 February 2011 - 09:40
Night stages for Rally Islas Canarias

Rally Islas Canarias El Corte Ingles will feature night stages when it hosts the second round of the Intercontinental Rally Challenge in April.

The event, which is based on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, will take place from 14-16 April. To accommodate the night-time runs, organisers have made several changes to the event itinerary with day one’s action getting underway on Friday at 13:00hrs local time and not finishing until the early hours of Saturday morning.

Crews and their teams will then get a short rest before the rally continues at 07:30hrs on Saturday. The finish is scheduled for 14:30hrs later that day.

In total the rally will feature 12 special stages with a competitive distance of 190.59 kilometres.

The bulk of the stages on Friday 15 April will focus on the south of the island initially before crews head to the north of the island for the two night stages, Valleseco and Tejeda, which start at 22:16hrs and 22:49hrs respectively.

Saturday’s stages are based in the north of the island and are the same as those used on Friday night, albeit run in reverse.


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