Wolff wants Hamilton to sign new contract

"Lewis has no reason to consider other teams"


24 October 2019 - 09:46
Wolff wants Hamilton to sign new (…)

Team boss Toto Wolff wants Lewis Hamilton to sign a new Mercedes contract.

Hamilton, who could wrap up his sixth world championship during the forthcoming Mexico-Austin double header, signed a new two-year deal in 2018 that extended his commitment to the end of 2020.

Now, boss Wolff wants the 34-year-old to sign another.

"As long as we are able to provide the winning car, Lewis has no reason to consider other teams - and we have no reason to look elsewhere," he said.

"What we have said to Lewis is that we would like to finish the season on a high, breathe a moment and then discuss what happens in 2021."

The sport’s rules are changing fundamentally for 2021, so Wolff thinks other top teams will also be contemplating what drivers to sign up.

"Loyalty and integrity is something that binds us together and the most important discussions about 2021 will be with Lewis and Valtteri," he said.

"Ferrari will also look at the options they have. They have a good lineup now that causes hiccups sometimes, so they will also be thinking ’What do we want for 2021?’"

Mercedes F1


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