Race - Hungarian GP report: Caterham Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

27 July 2014 - 16:47
Race - Hungarian GP report: Caterham (…)

Kamui Kobayashi

"It’s obviously a shame we couldn’t finish the race today but an issue with the fuel system meant I had to stop the car as I had no power.

"My start was pretty good - I stayed on the outside to avoid any issues going into turn one and I had good traction out of the first corner, helping me pass a couple of cars and straight away I could push. The car felt good in the wet / dry conditions, they seem to suit us, and my pace in the first stint was pretty strong. We boxed for the first time on lap nine and rejoined on softs and again I had good pace, enough to push me up to 14th.

"I had a big moment with Maldonado when he span after making contact with Bianchi. That’s the third race in a row I’ve had a very near miss and this time I saw him hit the Marussia and then start spinning - I managed to turn in just enough to avoid him hitting me, but there must have only been millimetres in it!

"After that I was into a good rhythm and the balance was fine. We were going to run quite long on that set but then on lap 24 I lost power just after turn 12 and that was the end of my race."

Marcus Ericsson

"It was quite a good race up until the point where I crashed on lap seven. My start was ok and I was having a good fight with Chilton and Maldonado, trying to line them up through turn three and I was just a bit too eager in the throttle. The back stepped out and I couldn’t catch the car and that was it, I was in the wall.

"It was a pretty big shunt! I went to the medical centre straight after the crash and they told me it was about 20g, but physically I feel fine. I’m sorry for the guys on track and back at Leafield though - they put in 100% all the time and it’s obviously not a good feeling for them to see one of their cars in the wall, but we’ll come back fighting in Spa where we have some new parts and we’ll keep pushing, there and for the whole second half of the season."

Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader

"Today’s weather presented an opportunity but there are necessarily risks with these types of conditions and unfortunately Marcus just got caught out. Everything was working well with Kamui’s car until an issue with the fuel system brought his race to a close early as well. Now we will recharge our batteries during the short break and come back stronger to fight again in Spa."


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