Qualifying - Russian GP report: Red Bull Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

10 October 2015 - 17:15
Qualifying - Russian GP report: Red (…)


“We were slower with the set-up we had in Q3 but we’ve learned which direction to go in for tomorrow, so that’s a positive. Even with a good lap, at this track, we were probably looking at ninth for quali at best, so we didn’t lose too much. We’ll do what we can in the race; we have some strong teams around us, but we will push. On a positive note, it’s good to hear that Carlos is doing well.”


“I felt I did all I could this afternoon. Unfortunately, we only had one quick lap available on the last set of tyres so we had to go out a little bit later than we would have liked to. On the first timed lap I didn’t feel the tyres were ready and I could easily have improved on a second lap, because that was the pattern, but we just didn’t have time for a second push lap, so it’s a bit disappointing. Starting P11 is okay and at least it gives us a free tyre choice. I will fight hard and hope to finish in the points, which would be a good result. With Carlos, it was a bit scary at first, but then we saw him give the thumbs up. He’s a strong guy and I’m glad he’s okay.”


“Firstly, it’s good to hear that Carlos is doing okay following his shunt in FP3. As for qualifying, we knew this track was going to be difficult for us as it doesn’t play to the strengths of our car. Tenth and eleventh on the start grid represents where we are in the pecking order. Hopefully in the race we can make progress from those grid positions.”


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