Qualifying - Canadian GP report: Manor Ferrari

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

6 June 2015 - 21:16
Qualifying - Canadian GP report: (…)

Roberto Merhi and Will Stevens enjoyed a thrilling intra-team battle in today’s Qualifying for the Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada. At the end of the Q1 session, it was the Spaniard who took the spoils for the Manor Marussia F1 Team, ending the session in 18th position, with a mere 0.024s separating him from his team-mate in 19th place.

Roberto Merhi

“I’m very happy with my qualifying today. It’s a good step forward for me. I’m really enjoying this circuit and we have made some good progress with the set-up of the car this past few races and I feel very comfortable to push a little more. I had a good first run then in the second I knew there was a little more to come. I made up 0.2s in the final corner alone. I’m really pleased and now I can’t wait for the race tomorrow.”

Will Stevens

“It wasn’t a bad qualifying for me. Perhaps I’m a little less comfortable with the balance of the car this weekend, compared with previous races. I’ve tried to focus on race pace a little more however, so I think we have the car in a good place for tomorrow. We’ll gain a place on the grid after the penalties have been applied, but then we’re also in interesting company with Jenson and Max starting behind us. This is a race where we often see the safety car, so we’ll do our best to make sure we’re in the mix for any opportunities that might arise.”

John Booth, Team Principal

“Both drivers have done a really good job today and we enjoyed a good clean fight in qualifying, with a mere 0.024s separating them in the final order. With that in mind, I’m sure we can look forward to a very strong race from them tomorrow and hopefully another two-car finish to add to our growing tally. It will be a dry race, which always helps here, but this track still sees its fair share of thrills and spills, irrespective of the weather. That being the case, we’ll be on the lookout for any opportunity to move up the order.”


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