Monaco 2017 - GP Preview - Red Bull Tag Heuer

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

20 May 2017 - 09:42
Monaco 2017 - GP Preview - Red Bull (…)

Max Verstappen

“I have been living in Monaco for just over a year now and really enjoyed every minute of it. I have a good crew of friends which means we always have plenty of fun. It is also nice being able to train in the Mediterranean sun, and experience the nightlife... in the off season.

“There is no such thing as a low risk lap in Monaco, it doesn’t exist if you want to be fast because you have to be on the limit. Last year’s crash was very unfortunate but it doesn’t affect my confidence heading back there, it just makes me want to do better this year and learn from my mistakes. We still have a lot to learn from the car in terms of setup as it is always developing and we haven’t driven it on a tight street circuit yet.

“Preparation for Monaco is a little different, you definitely build up a little bit slower throughout the weekend and pace yourself. It’s important to find the limit carefully. With the new cars I think the chicane around the swimming pool will be the most challenging corner this year.”

Daniel Ricciardo

“In theory I could walk to work while we are in Monaco, it is still a bit of a way but it could be done. Luckily for me though we get boats to the Energy Station which is a nice change. Being able to sleep in your own bed and complain about the noise is also a treat.

“Monaco is definitely my favourite track to drive, it is so tight and intimidating. From the outside some of the sequences look impossible to go through at the speeds we do. Once you are in the car it’s an amazing feeling. If you kiss the wall it actually makes you want to do it again as opposed to scaring you. The whole spectacle of the weekend just makes it something unique and special.

“Last year was disappointing for me as I felt we definitely had the win on the cards. I am old enough and mature enough now to put that behind me and be able to look forward to racing there, and take back what I felt I lost last year. I don’ think I could have gone any quicker in my pole lap. Personally I felt it went really well, one of the best laps I have ever done. If I do win the trophy it is staying with me. NO REPLICAS!”


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