Delhi terror no problem for F1 - Chandhok

"I cannot recall sporting events such as cricket or the Commonwealth Games having problems."


8 September 2011 - 17:18
Delhi terror no problem for F1 - (…)

Wednesday’s terror attack in F1 host city Delhi is no threat to the inaugural Indian grand prix next month.

That is the view of Team Lotus’ Indian reserve driver Karun Chandhok, a day after 12 people were killed when a briefcase bomb exploded outside the Delhi high court.

Reports said the attack would heighten "concerns about the nation’s security vulnerabilities" just over a month before the country is due to host formula one for the first time.

Chandhok told the Telegraph: "I cannot recall sporting events such as cricket or the Commonwealth Games having problems."

"Geographically, too, the track is in Greater Noida, which is actually in Uttar Pradesh, a different state from Delhi," he added.

F1’s other Indian driver Narain Karthikeyan wrote on Twitter: "Things really need to step up — we should be able to feel safe in our own nation."


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