Sutil: We have to push on for the next three races

"11th is always an unlucky position!"

By Franck Drui

21 October 2011 - 11:20
Sutil: We have to push on for the (…)

Adrian Sutil made Q3 once again in Korea, having taken ninth place in Q2. However he traded grid places with team mate Paul Di Resta when the latter went out and did a run, and Adrian did not. The team decided to split its strategies again. As the car ahead, Paul started on the supersofts, while Adrian was on the softs. In the end he crossed the line in 11th place, just missing out on the points. We asked him about Korea and the next race in India

You just missed the top 10 in Korea. How would you sum up the weekend up?

“Of course, 11th is always an unlucky position! We did our maximum. So I missed a point, but anyway 10th position is not enough for us, we have to put more pressure on our competitors to actually stay ahead of them and finish in sixth in the constructors’ championship. So we have to push on for the next three races.”

You started on the prime soft tyre. Was it hard to compete with those around you on the supersoft?

“Yes, the supersoft worked a little bit better in the opening laps. I could still follow the other cars, so that was quite encouraging. But it didn’t really improve during the race. Whatever set we had on, I had so much understeer in the car, and I suffered quite a lot in the corners with a weak front. So I couldn’t push, I had to defend the whole time.”

In the end you and Paul both lost out to the Toro Rossos.

“Yes, they were very fast. One passed me on the track, the other in the pits I think. We were just not fast enough, and they could I think use their tyres a bit better.”

In Japan a Sauber was ahead of Force India at the flag, and then in Korea STR was in front, and Sauber nowhere. Meanwhile you have more or less remained consistent.

“We are very consistent, but with this points system you only get one point for 10th, but if you have a good race and get seventh, you get more points, and then you make the difference! I would rather have an inconsistent car, but for some races a very quick one. At the moment we are around ninth and 10th, it’s a little bit difficult.”

The next race is an important one for the team – are you excited about it?

“We are all looking forward to it; it’s a special event. It’s the home Grand Prix of the team, and the first ever Indian GP. It’s going to be special, and very busy, with a lot of work, a lot of PR stuff, so I’ll be there the whole week. Our focus is the same; we’re going to try our best as we always do, and see what comes out.”

You have been to India many times for PR events and so on. Do you enjoy it?

“Yes, the culture is very different. You can have a good time, and it’s always big adventure to be there. People are very friendly, and the food is amazing, so you can enjoy yourself.”

Are you expecting to see a lot of Sahara Force India fans?

“I think we’re going to have a lot of fans. I hope it’s the only race where we have more than Ferrari! Let’s see what comes out. I hope the track will be crowded and a lot of people come.”


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