No protest but Red Bull floor still on F1 radar

Ferrari, McLaren and Mercedes were unhappy


28 May 2012 - 08:43
No protest but Red Bull floor still (…)

Talk of a post-race protest faded in the Monaco rain late on Sunday, as Mark Webber’s race win was formalised by the governing FIA.

It had been reported that Red Bull’s top rivals Ferrari, McLaren and Mercedes were unhappy with a hole or slot in the floor just ahead of the rear wheels of Adrian Newey’s RB8.

Webber won the race and Red Bull soared to a 38 point lead in the constructors’ championship in Monaco, amid a flurry of rumours that a protest was on.

"It’s not new in F1 to see teams complaining when we have a competitive car," insisted the team’s Christian Horner.

Sky’s pitlane pundit Ted Kravitz spotted McLaren’s Martin Whitmarsh walking with sporting director Sam Michael and technical boss Paddy Lowe as they returned apparently from the stewards just after the race.

But Whitmarsh grinned that the trio had simply enjoyed a post-race "walk".

Rumours then filled the Principality’s paddock that it was Ferrari that would lodge the protest.

"Why always us?" Stefano Domenicali complained when faced with the speculation, according to Germany’s Auto Motor und Sport.

It is believed a compromise solution was reached when it was agreed the issue would be discussed during the sport’s high profile meeting in Monaco on Monday.

"The issue must be resolved soon," Whitmarsh is quoted as saying.


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