New Toro Rosso to debut in Valencia

Buemi to debut TR5 on 1st February


25 January 2010 - 19:37
New Toro Rosso to debut in Valencia

Scuderia Toro Rosso has confirmed that it is to launch its 2010 challenger – the Ferrari-powered STR5 - in Valencia on Monday 1st February.

The team confirmed last week that Jaime Alguersuari is to return alongside Sebastien Buemi this year, scotching rumours that signed Campos Meta driver Bruno Senna could join the Italian team for 2010.

Monday’s launch of the new car coincides with the first major pre-season test but sister team Red Bull Renault, will not be taking part in the test – instead opting for more wind-tunnel time ahead of the RB6 launch.

"Work in our Faenza facility has been going on around the clock, with mechanics doing shifts through the night to get the car built in time," the team stated. "With only 15 days of testing allowed before the first Grand Prix in Bahrain, we really wanted to get in as much mileage as possible, for the sake of sorting out the car and also to give our still comparatively inexperienced drivers, as much cockpit time as possible.

"At the moment, the plan is for Sebastien Buemi to give the STR5 its maiden voyage around the track, continuing to drive on the Tuesday, before handing over the steering wheel to the recently reconfirmed Jaime Alguersuari, for Wednesday’s session."


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