Ecclestone eyes Turkey GP circuit tender - report

A tender is scheduled to take place next Wednesday


3 October 2012 - 10:31
Ecclestone eyes Turkey GP circuit (…)

Bernie Ecclestone is interested in securing the former Turkish grand prix venue in Istanbul, the Hurriyet daily reports.

The newspaper said a tender is scheduled to take place next Wednesday.

The Istanbul Park circuit hosted formula one races between 2005 and 2011, and although poorly attended the Hermann Tilke-penned layout was lauded particularly for its challenging quadruple-apex turn 8.

But Turkey fell off the F1 calendar for 2012, after local organisers and F1 chief executive Ecclestone failed to agree a new higher race sanctioning fee.

Hurriyet now cites "sources" in reporting that Ecclestone is among those interested in bidding for the circuit.


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